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Are Glass Jars With Cork Lids Good For Storing, Preserving & Canning?

At Wondrwood, we get a lot of questions about whether cork stopper style glass jars are suitable for longterm storing, canning and preserving of foods, oils and other liquids. Here's the thing - the short and uncomplicated answer is yes - but there are definitely a couple of things you need to look out for in your jars before you choose them, especially when it comes to canning and preserving foods. So, what better a way to answer all of your burning questions than to give you a list of the pros and cons of each topic? This way you can decide for yourself what is right for your exact needs and preferences. We also included a list of tips for success that you can apply to...

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How To Free a Stuck Cork-Stopper-Lid From a Jar

Sometimes cork lids get stuck in glass jars or bottles, more often than not, this happens when a strong vacuum has built up inside the glass container. Don't worry - usually, if it got stuck, it can get un-stuck again!  Something similar happened to one of our customers, Brandy. In her case, the jar had been a bit too close to a slow-cooking crockpot for several hours one day. When she tried to open the jars later that evening, one of the lids was all but impossible to open up. Understandably at a loss, Brandy emailed the team at Wondrwood explaining what had happened, and asked if we had any advice.

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Everything There Is To Know About Black Walnut

For most people, black walnut wood is associated with a certain level of esteem and even luxury.  All across the world, black walnut is considered to be a premium-quality material; a favourite hardwood of carpenters, craftspeople and home owners alike.  But, is any of this even based on real-world factors? Or are we all just being blinded by the rich dark chocolate tones of the wood... ...or the fact that the walnuts themselves are so delicious... or because walnut wood is usually a little more expensive than other wood?  Read on to find out this, and everything else there is to know about black walnut!

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How To Care For All Wooden Kitchenware

Wood was one of the very first materials ever used by humans, among many of its uses was for preparing, cooking and serving food. It’s no coincidence that millions of years on, all around the world, it’s still used to this day in our kitchens. Wooden kitchenware can last many lifetimes but there are a few things that you need to know to help you get the most out of it and to keep it all in top condition. This guide answers all of the questions that you could have about caring for your wooden kitchenware. From the best way to wash & dry them, to when and how you should apply oil, to repairing scratches and more!

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The Best Eco-Friendly Household Products & Gifts To Make a Difference

With a new year just beginning, many of us are making more lifestyle decisions based on sustainability. Making small changes to our everyday habits is a vital step towards the type of change we need. Swapping out some of the products you use every day for eco-friendly alternatives is a huge step in the right direction.So, without further adieu, here are 12 Eco-friendly household products and gifts:  

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