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16 Creative Ways To Use Wooden Plates, Trays or Platters

It can be easy to overlook your wooden plates' potential for a variety of use cases other than a place to serve up some food. Due to wood's versatility, natural beauty and the visual interest it brings to any part of your home, there's practically an unlimited amount of unique and creative ways to use your wooden plates.  Here are 16 creative ways you can use your wooden plates at home, with examples for crafting, decorating and more to get your creative inspiration flowing! What will you use your wooden plates, trays and platters for first?

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Acacia Vs. Black Walnut | Which Wood Is Best For Kitchenware?

Regardless of which wood you choose, both acacia and walnut wood are excellent choices for anywhere in your home, and will last many lifetimes if given some basic care. Both acacia and black walnut are among the most popular and widely used species for items like wooden plates, boards, bowls, cooking utensils and cups. However: walnut and acacia do have some key differences that might make you lean towards choosing a product made of one wood type over the other...  In this guide, we'll lay out the pros and cons of both acacia and walnut wood when used in the home, but particularly for kitchenware. You'll also learn about the main characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks of both walnut wood and acacia wood kitchenware, so you can make the best choice for...

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Wood Cutting Boards Vs. Plastic Cutting Boards Pros & Cons - Full Comparison

This 8 minute guide fully compares wooden cutting boards versus plastic cutting boards, listing and detailing all of the pros and cons of both types, enabling you to see what priorities are most important to you so you can make an informed decision. What's compared: Food safety, germs & bacteria, maintenance and care, eco-friendliness & sustainability, versatility, use cases & experience, stains & odours, knife blunting, which type of wood is best for a wooden board & more.  Read the guide here. 

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Are Wooden Plates, Bowls, Boards & Cups Food-Safe?

People are often drawn to wooden kitchenware for its appearance and the overall je ne sais quoi that wood has. Saying that, there can still be a misconception that wooden utensils or dishes are not safe to use with food and drinks, which is not at all the case. So, in short, yes, wooden kitchenware is food-safe but there are some things you need to look out for, and some care tips, all of which we'll delve into here!

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